Play to Earn

We are gonna explain about some mechanics in the AO Libre universe in order to "mine", "farm" or get Tokens in return for your skills or time.


Blockchain and decentralization for the win

We are planning on using Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain to power certain items and land ownership. This will enable players to freely and securely trade items, even in the aftermarket and proves the digital ownership of items and in-game houses.

A PLOT or LAND (key item) (NFT) is going to be connected to a unique "token" on the blockchain, and the blockchain itself is essentially a public database. The tokens that get connected to in-game will be "created" by a program that runs on the blockchain, called a "smart contract". It is this small program that ensures the digital scarcity of all item collectables, ensuring that nobody, not even us as developers, can ever create more copies of an item.

What this means for you is:

  • The underlying tokens behind items and houses will be truly owned by you, which means you can freely trade them in-game or outside for AOL tokens.

  • Truly digitally scarce collectables; nobody can increase the supply of any NFT - not even by hacking our servers.

  • Community websites will have the ability to access unfiltered/uncensored data since all transactions of cosmetics and land (NFT's) are publicly available on the blockchain. This opens exciting opportunities for community projects.

This part of the whitepaper may vary in the future in a new version (likely for improvements)

Real Estate


All the HOUSES are represented by 1NFT item “Key” so you are able to open and close the door of your place and invite people as you want.

  • Stacking: All the householders (NFT's hodlers) will get paid weekly in AOL Tokens

  • Farming: The house holders (NFT's hodlers) will obtain a reward in AOL Tokens if they visit their house at least 6 days per week.

  • Minning: All the house holders needs to kill the rat that is in the house, in reward the council will pay in AOL Tokens to the householders (NFT'S hodlers)

Private Islands

You can get an island with your guild or friends. All the ISLANDS are represented by 4 NFT items “Key” so you are able to open and close the bridge of your place and invite people as you want. All Key's owners must be present in order to fully close or fully open the gates of the forest.

  • Stacking: All the island-holders (NFT's hodlers) will get paid monthly in AOL Tokens

  • Farming: The island holders (NFT's hodlers) will obtain a reward in AOL Tokens if they visit their island at least 7 days per week.

  • Minning: All the house holders needs to kill all the INSERT NPCS NAMES HERE their island, in reward the council will pay in AOL Tokens to the island-holders (NFT'S hodlers)

Forest's plot

You can get a piece of forest with your guild or friends. All the FOREST'S PLOTS are represented by 8 NFT items “Key” so you are able to open and close the gates of your place and invite people as you want. All Key's owners must be present in order to fully close or fully open the gates of the forest.

  • Stacking: All the forest's plot-holders (NFT's hodlers) will get paid monthly in AOL Tokens

  • Farming: The plot holders (NFT's hodlers) will obtain a reward in AOL Tokens if they visit their plot at least 7 days per week.

  • Minning: All the plot holders need to kill all the INSERT NPCS NAMES HERE from their plot, in reward the council will pay in AOL Tokens to the plot owners (NFT'S hodlers)


The main server of AO Libre takes their seasons by periods of time, we have an event of the world that is called "Reset of the World Game Event", so all the characters disappear (although not the accounts or either your NFT's as you are the owner). This is a practice that we take in one of our servers, there are alternatives where a "Reset of the World Game Event" is never done, remember in AO Libre you have a plethora of servers to choose In the beginning, mid and end of the season, we check the rankings and give prices in AOL Tokens and/or NFTsto the best on each topic Solo prices: - Most NPCs killed. - Most kills. - Most citizens killed - Most criminals killed - Richest one with gold game - Most time online - Higher-level for each class - Higher-level for each race Guilds / Team prices: - Biggest Guild. - Guild with more power around the kingdom - Richest Guild * The guild leaders will get an additional 5% on top of the price Factions / Alignment prices: - Alignment which has more kills to the opposite faction. - Richest alignment

Last updated

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